What is Live Resin - MyDeltaEight.com

What is Live Resin?

Live resin distillate is a type of cannabis concentrate that is made using a process called live resin extraction. In this process, fresh, flash-frozen cannabis plants are used instead of dry, cured plants to produce a concentrate that is high in both terpenes and cannabinoids. The goal of this method is to preserve the natural aroma and flavor of the plant, which can be lost in traditional drying and curing processes. Live resin products have recently launched including the cannabinoids: THC-P, Delta 8 THC, Delta 9 THC, Delta 10 THC, THC-P, HHC, and others.. so what is live resin?

The term “live resin” refers to the fact that the cannabis plant material used in the extraction process is freshly harvested and frozen, rather than being dried and cured first. This is done to preserve the delicate terpenes present in the plant, which can degrade over time or when exposed to heat. Terpenes are responsible for the distinct aromas and flavors of different cannabis strains, and they also have potential therapeutic benefits.

The process of making live resin distillate typically starts by freezing the cannabis plant material and then using a solvent, such as butane or propane, to extract the desired compounds. The solvent is then removed through a process called distillation, leaving behind a highly concentrated and pure form of the extract.

Benefits of Live Resin for a consumer may include:

It is known to have a more potent aroma and flavor than other concentrates, which are more closer to the natural aroma of the plant.

Live resin is a high-terpene concentrate, which means it has a higher concentration of terpenes than other types of extracts. This can enhance the overall experience for the consumer by providing a more flavorful and aromatic product.

Live resin distillate is a highly potent product, with THC levels often reaching 90% or higher. This makes it a good choice for those looking for a stronger and longer lasting effect.

As the plant was flash frozen at the peak of the freshness, the end product is expected to have a higher number of beneficial compounds such as terpenoids and flavonoids, which are believed to have therapeutic effects.

Please be aware, that The benefits and the effects of live resin may be still considered by some scientists as more anecdotal than factual and are yet to be scientifically proven. Research on the effects and benefits of live resin is ongoing.