How do Terpenes Affect Cannabis Experience

How do Terpenes Affect Cannabis Experience

Cannabis is a complex plant that contains a variety of compounds, including cannabinoids and terpenes. While cannabinoids like Delta 9 THC and CBD are well-known for their effects, terpenes are often overlooked despite their important role in shaping the user experience. In this article, we will explore how cannabis terpenes affect the user experience, and why extraction methods like Live Resin extraction are so important for preserving these valuable compounds. So, How do Terpenes Affect Cannabis Experience?

Terpenes are aromatic molecules found in many plants, including cannabis. They are responsible for the distinctive smells and flavors of different cannabis strains, and they also play a key role in determining the effects of each strain. There are over 100 different terpenes found in cannabis, each with its own unique characteristics and effects.

One of the most well-known terpenes is myrcene, which is found in high concentrations in many indica strains. Myrcene is known for its sedative effects and is thought to be responsible for the “couch-lock” feeling that many users experience after consuming indica strains. Other terpenes like limonene, found in many sativa strains, are known for their uplifting and energizing effects.

When consumed together with cannabinoids like Delta 9 THC and CBD, terpenes can modulate the effects of these compounds and influence the overall user experience. For example, the presence of myrcene in an indica strain can enhance the sedative effects of Delta 9 THC, while the presence of limonene in a sativa strain can counteract the anxiety-inducing effects of THC.

One of the challenges of working with terpenes is that they are highly volatile and can easily be lost during the extraction process. Many extraction methods, like butane extraction or CO2 extraction, involve high temperatures and pressures that can degrade or destroy terpenes. This can result in a product that is high in cannabinoids but low in terpenes, which can lead to a less enjoyable user experience.

This is where Live Resin extraction comes in. Live Resin is a relatively new extraction method that involves freezing fresh cannabis plant material immediately after harvest and then extracting the terpenes and cannabinoids using a low-temperature solvent like ethanol. By using fresh, frozen plant material, Live Resin extraction is able to capture a much broader range of terpenes than other extraction methods. This results in a product that is not only high in cannabinoids but also rich in terpenes, providing a more complete and enjoyable user experience.

In addition to preserving terpenes, Live Resin extraction also has other benefits. Because it uses a low-temperature solvent, it is less likely to extract undesirable compounds like chlorophyll, waxes, and lipids, which can negatively impact the flavor and potency of the final product. Live Resin also produces a more flavorful and aromatic concentrate, with a more natural and complex flavor profile than concentrates produced using other methods.

Another benefit of Live Resin extraction is that it can provide a more consistent user experience. Because different strains of cannabis contain different ratios of cannabinoids and terpenes, the effects of each strain can vary widely. However, by using Live Resin extraction to produce concentrates, it is possible to create products that contain a consistent ratio of cannabinoids and terpenes, regardless of the original strain used. This can be particularly useful for medical cannabis patients who rely on a consistent dose and experience.

In conclusion, cannabis terpenes are an important and often overlooked aspect of the user experience. By modulating the effects of cannabinoids like Delta 9 THC and CBD, terpenes can greatly impact the overall experience of consuming cannabis. However, many extraction methods can degrade or destroy terpenes, resulting in a less enjoyable user experience. Live Resin extraction is a method that is specifically designed to preserve terpenes, resulting in a more complete and enjoyable user experience.

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